October 20, 2008

Three Lessons | Eight Cities | One Presentation

My eight city roadshow (Have You Seen IRIS Lately?) ended last week. Maybe you attended? I was helping advisors across Ontario learn more about "10-8" financial leveraging. Now I can look back and share three lessons with you.
  1. Online registration rules
  2. Expect the unexpected
  3. Attendance varies
Online Registration Rules
You may recall that I never organized a roadshow before and worried about low attendance and that online registration could flop.
I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened. --- Mark Twain
Many more registered than expected and 64% attended.

Over 94% of attendees registered online, rather than by fax or phone. Last week at home, we received three invitations to seminars that advisors are hosting to attract new clients. They all rely on registration by phone. Why don't you let your clients register online too? Online tools like EventBrite make this professional and painless.

Here are the advantages
  • convenient for registrants
  • instant confirmation by email (which confirms that the email addresses are valid)
  • instant database and reminder emails and followup
  • scalable for larger events and multiple locations
Expect The Unexpected
When will Murphy retire? Many little things went wrong. A colleague arrived early and had many of the shortcomings fixed before I arrived. Here are examples
  • screen in a corner rather than at front in the middle
  • table too small to hold both a projector and computer
  • noise from outside the room
  • no soap in the washroom
  • change in rooms (not even the front desk knew)
Inconsistent Attendance
In Toronto and Barrie, attendees arrived early and sessions started ahead of schedule. In London and Windsor, last minute registrants attended. In Ottawa and Markham, less than half the registrants showed up but that allowed more interaction and discussions.

Overall, the tour got results. Lots of requests for followup. No time for even a short break.


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