August 14, 2012


thumbs downLast time, we looked at ways to monitor what’s said about you online. What do you do if what’s said isn’t very nice?


You can ignore bad news but that doesn’t mean Google will forget.

If you’re looking for a hotel near the Mackinac Bridge (Wikipedia), you’ll find reviews on TripAdvisor. For example, the Mackinaw Beach and Bay is ranked #3 in Mackinaw City, Michigan. Of the 263 reviews, 85.2% are Excellent or Very Good. That’s impressive but the three most recent reviews are not. They say
  • Tripadvisor reviews“Terrible service and breakfast”
  • “Just okay”
  • “Nice suites but needs improvement”
The hotel staff haven’t bothered to respond. Maybe the place was great but deteriorated recently. Maybe the reviewers are whiners. Either way, a casual review reader may book elsewhere.


Taking action shows you’re attentive. That’s a good sign.

You can comment where the criticism appears but you’ll look biased … which you are. If you’re not comfortable expressing yourself on the permanent public record, you might cause more damage. Attacking the attackers is tempting but rarely effective.

You benefit most when others speak on your behalf … unless they’re perceived as biased. Comments from co-workers, friends and family don’t count for much.

Who has a megaphone and would vouch for you?

Nurture Your Network

You can't harvest a crop you haven't planted and nourished. You can't get your message out effectively unless you've nurtured your network. What have you done in the past? What do you do on a regular basis?

Stephen Covey referred to the Emotional Bank Account. We have a  balance with everyone. We make deposits and withdrawals.

Meeting in person is great but how do invest in the relationship in between? Don't expect much if you call and say, "We met last year. I was wondering if you'd help me out by ..."

Social media augments what you’re already doing — if you show consistent persistent generosity. As a bonus, you'll know who wants to maintain contact with you because they must opt in and can easily opt out.
Bad Example
I’ve got a connection who posts continual updates about a new marketing program. Self-promotion does not grow an Emotional Bank Account. As a test, I sent an email with a tip and got no reply. The launch seems to have fizzled.

Do Good Things

If you are visible online, your digital tapestry gives you advantage. If you help your connections, you’ve got allies. Be good and do good.


PS Would you stay at the hotel in the example?

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